03 Mar Navigating Voices

Exchange Values by Shelley Sacks

A Gathering of Waters by Basia Irland
‘The artist navigates, rather than conducts, the flow of the conversation. The artist asks the instigating question, listens, sets a context for action, creates an aesthetic milieu in which an event is mutually created. The exchanges depend on the talents of the speakers to respond to the insights, fallibilities and allure of each other. This involves not only the matter conversed, but the subjectivities engaged, which are, in the action, opened to change. It is an improvisatory, slow activism’.
A Gathering of Waters: The Rio Grande from the Source to the Sea by Basia Irland 1995 – 2000
Exchange Values by Shelley Sacks 1996 – 2005
key words: Hannah Arendt, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Aristotle
in Giannachi, G. and Stewart, N. (Eds) (2005). Performing Nature. Explorations in ecology and the arts Bern:. Peter Lang, pp. 199 – 216.