03 Mar Slow Activism: homelands, love and the lightbulb

HOMELAND by Platform 1993
‘To come into conversation can be a disturbing thing, exposing, altering and aesthetic. How the conversation is made can conduct the speakers in an unknown direction … To talk with a stranger about love, home and ecological interdependency—while sitting in the back of a large truck parked on a fast-trafficked street—rests those conversations within the social conventions and ethical demands of speaking together in public, while inviting an event into existence, one in which the aesthetic, imaginative, and transformative may be realized
HOMELAND entered the flux of everyday life, listened and spoke with the city. The longing was, as well, for the public space in which to speak; to not only view a work of art, but to be heard through one’.
key words: Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur, Aristotle
in B. Szerszynski, W. Heim & C. Waterton (Eds), (2003) Nature Performed. Environment, Culture and Performance. Oxford: Blackwell / Sociological Review. pp. 183-202.